The Alchemy of Love

Reflecting on Mothers Day really gave me time to focus on my girls and my why in life. As I was looking through quotes to share with my girls, I found this one and it truly spoke to me.

I recall sitting in the hospital room after welcoming my first daughter into the world, and realizing that the love I felt for this tiny, beautiful being was different than any other love I had ever felt. In that moment, I knew that I would literally, happily die to protect her.

As she grew, and I saw the world through her eyes, I realized I couldn't let the world remain the same and teach her how to operate inside of it. That so much that didn't work for me, shouldn’t work for her. And in that moment, and with each daughter born after her (I’m blessed with three incredible humans who call me Mom) that I promised I would heal myself, so that I could be the best mother ever to her.

And that sent me on a 15 year journey back to myself. And lord, was it rocky. I have made more mistakes than I care to admit. But amid the thorns, there were roses. The blessings were abundant, every one a beacon of hope that shimmered against the darkness of my struggles.

The sum of these fifteen years, this tumultuous journey of transformation, is an offering I've come to call "The Alchemy of Love". A heroic quest of the soul, a journey back to the source of my being, guided by the beacon of love.

Throughout this voyage, I have been graced with a tribe of unwavering allies - treasured friends and a supportive partner who have raised their hands high, offering their support to bring this vision to life. Together, we have ignited a flame of transformation and evolution that continues to illuminate our collective path. After all, as Ram Dass says, we'll all walking each other home.


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